Wednesday, April 1, 2015

March Growth

The month of March 2015 was very warm and my garden plants are thriving. The temperatures got too high for the sweet peas so I removed them after a few more peas harvested. The cilantro was going to seed and no longer producing the broad-leaf cilantro I had enjoyed and shared so much throughout the winter, so I dug them out as well. My girls and I planted some sunflowers (the tall variety) and some snapdragons and wild flower mixes in a small section of the garden for fun. Our friend James gave me 4 small sweet potatoes that were sprouting and I planted them today where the cilantro had been. I also planted some zucchini on a mound where I had composted for a while, but nothing has sprouted.
The tomato plants are producing and growing wonderfully. Nothing in the garden makes me quite as happy as my recovered frozen tomato plants, especially the one that seemed the most hopeless at the beginning of February which is now back to it's pre-frozen size and producing cherry tomatoes once again.

These photos were taken on March 17, 2015.

Complete recovery after freeze in January, cherry tomato.

Before removing the sweet pea vines and seeding cilantro.

I had been keeping my eye on a cabbage head that had been growing for a while. When I finally picked it, I was sad to discover that it had started rotting. After removing many of the outer layers, I was able to use the remaining inside small head. That may be the only cabbage I get from the many large plants. The low production could be due to the plants being over-crowded. 

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