Wednesday, December 14, 2016

In November

In November, my Chitalpa Tree bloomed the first time (planted March 2016)...

Eggplants bloomed, set fruit and are growing beautifully...

Several delicious strawberries were enjoyed...

Two dinners of green beans were harvested from my 4 remaining pole bean plants, as well as green onions...

Our slow-poke pumpkin had to be harvested prematurely since the vine was overtaken by white flies and my attempt to kill them with soapy water killed the vine...

A beautiful tortoise-banquet grows, complete with dandelions, allysum, dichondra, lettuce varieties, ruellia, weeds and grass. But of course the tortoises have been underground and are not getting to enjoy it.

The garden is doing well. I don't have adequate time to blog about it, but I will try to post more about December progress soon. The weather has been nice and has prolonged the season for some of my plants. I love what I have going on in my garden!