Monday, April 2, 2012

April Green - Garden Journal

The citrus tree blossoms have come and mostly gone. They smelled wonderful and the bees were busy. Last week I took out a few remaining lettuce plants because they were seeding and were no longer crisp leaves. The weather is now warm enough that my 4 tomato plants are beginning to produce and the plants are growing a lot too. They look healthy. The sweet pea plant is still producing though the vines are beginning to look dried and yellowed. The cilantro is producing more flowers than good flavorful leaves now. The spinach plants are great meals and homes for caterpillars looking to gain their wings soon. That has been fun to show my daughter the different stages of caterpillar, cocoon and moth. I love the limited time that I have had outside. Unfortunately cats destroyed my few mounds of zuchinni seeds, so I will have no new plants to watch grow for this season. I look forward to some tomatoes soon.

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